Why do all leaves change colour accept Pine tree?

When we look at a tree in the summer, we see only one colour: green. And yet in the autumn, the same leaves take a variety of colours. Chlorophyll causes the leaves colour green. There are other colours in a leaf, but we cannot present in a leaf pigment 'xanthophyll' making yellow, 'carotin' orange and 'anthocyanin' is a bright red colour. In the summer, we see only the chlorophyll, but as the weather begins to get colder, the food that has been stored away in the leaf by the trees begins to flow out to the branches and trunks. Since no more food is produced in the winter, the chlorophyll food factory closes down and disintegrates. Like the other pigments that have been present, they all become visible. So the leaves take on all the beautiful colours we enjoy.
Interesting Information: A Bansai is a decorative miniature tree that was first developed in Japan. Some bonsai tree can live for hundreds of years.
Leaves have several functions, and one of them is to prepare food for the tree. Leaves take in carbon dioxide from air and water and minerals from the soil. The chlorophyll in the leaves absorbs energy from the sun. Sunshine forces chlorophyll to change carbon dioxide and water into sugar. The sugar made in the leaves is the basic food of the trees. Leaves also provide huge amounts of water. Some trees, such as pine and spruce, have different kinds of leaves. They have narrow, needlelike leaves with a thick, waxy outer garment that prevents water evaporation. Therefore, the leaves of such trees remain for several years. When the leaves fall, the new ones grow at the same time, and the branches never just look. Therefore, these types of trees are called evergreens.
Fact file: Fertilizers are used to make crops grow larger and faster. Crops are also regularly sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. There are fears that the chemicals could cause health problems.

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