Reforms of Mustafa Kamal Ataturk

  Mustafa Kamal Atatürk was the founder and first president of the Republic of Turkey. He liberated the Turkish nation not only from external enemies but also from internal enemies. He drove back the allies and abolished the sultanate. In the same way, his reforms made Turkey a fully progressive democratic republic. This article explains your efforts in a stacked manner.
      After the First World War, Turkey was led by allied forces. The Sultan (of the Ottoman Empire) and the old liberals were simply dolls whose cables were ruled by the occupation forces. The Sultan believed that it was the best opportunity for Turkey to cooperate with the conquerors.
The Sultan sent Mustafa Kamal to Anatolia as governor general to crush the rebel leader led by Kiyazim Karabekar. However, Mustafa Kamal had other plans. As soon as he arrived in Anatolia, he met Ali Faut, the commander of a small army corps, and described a plan of resistance. They decided to form a national army. The summary of this meeting can be described as:
As the sultan and the central government are in the hands of the enemy, we must establish a temporary government in Anatolia.
     Significant efforts were made for this reason. The main patriots hid or escaped to Anatolia, where they went directly to Ankara to join Mustafa Kamal. There, on April 23, 1920, the revolutionary Turkish Grand National Assembly met with Mustafa Kamal as president.
After the abolition of Khilafat, Mustafa assumed the position of Kamal as the first president of the new Turkey. It brought many revolutionary reforms in the Turkish system, for what is known as "Atatürk", which means Turkish father. Some of their efforts are described below:
Elimination of illiteracy
     Before the accession of Mustafa Kamal, state education was unknown to the country. He took the gigantic task of educating the masses and training teachers. The first step in the eradication of illiteracy was to simplify the "script" by replacing the old (Arabic) script with the Roman script. He visited cities and towns, chalk in his hand and learned to use the new script.
Empowerment of women
    After taking power, Mustafa Kamal decided to liberate women by abolishing the veil. I was very aware of the importance of educated women for a nation. Encouraged women to train for their better future. He stressed the need for women to play their role in the progress of the country, working with men.
Change of dresses
     Atatürk abolished the use of fez, which was of Greek origin. However, it made the use of Western hats mandatory. This reform was necessary to eliminate all traces of slavery passed during the time of the Ottoman Sultan.
Language cleaning
     The first Turkish president created a committee to simplify and purify the Turkish language, which was a mixture of original words in Arabic, Persian and Turkish. The task of the committee was to replace the Arabic and Persian words with original Turkish words. In addition, he banned the use of the title "Pasha" and, therefore, each man became "bay" and each woman became "bayan".
Industrial and economic development
     During Mustafa Kamal, the industrial and economic development of Turkey was so rapid that in a few years he made much progress since the West took 150 years to arrive. To give an idea of progress, keep in mind some of the facts and figures.

  1. In 1919, Turkey had a single railroad, almost no modern standard highway and 150 factories. But in 1933, the figure increased to 2000 with large lengths of high transport facilities.
  2. The banking system was organized and the public debt was reduced to one-tenth of its previous size.

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