How did Navies Originates?

     The first armies were created when the armed men of a tribe or people went out to sea on large ships that they had to fight their enemies and attack the territory from the sea. They used both were of ordinary or commercial fishing. Later, the boats were specially designed for war purposes.
Do you know?
Originally, navy in a country meant all its ships, whether used for war, freight or fishing.
     At the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans, the first long ship was built for speed in war, rather than round to transport goods. When the Persians threatened to attack Athens in 483 BC, the Greeks increased their armada by fifty to one hundred spacecraft. At the end of the 5th century BC C., this fleet of longships had risen to 300 and even 360, making it a whole marina! In times of peace, these warships were held in ties and hidden in sheds.
     The oldest warships were many ears, each requiring a large number of ear tags. These large smoke galleries were used to hit other ships or as a means of controlling enemy ships.
     Both in the ancient Greek and Roman marinas, there were many similarities with the organization of a modern fleet. The Greeks had a captain, a sailor, several non-board officers, sailors, and robbers, and soldiers or marines. The Romans always had a body of soldiers, called Classici, who was specially assigned to serve in the Navy.
Today, a fleet is, of course, a very complex organization with dozens of types of ships and units organized to sustain them. Pakistan's Navy is one of the world's best names.

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